In my world, every day is Food Day but today is the first national Food Day according to and brings additional awareness to the public about the real benefits and need to eat real food not only in our homes but also in our schools and communities. Food Day is an opportunity to demand better for ourselves, our families and our health. It’s always inspiring to see people or organizations take the effort to a whole new level like the very popular and spunky chef, Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution, the Real Food Project and Michelle Obama’s new book, American Grown: How the White House Kitchen Garden Inspires Families, Schools and Communities
We’re very fortunate to have a wonderful Farmers Market here in Palm Springs…grass-fed beef, pastured poultry, free-range eggs, abundant just picked fruits and vegetables, flowers, raw cheeses and honey…the list goes on. It’s a delight for the senses as well as a bit of socializing, getting out in the sunshine (free Vitamin D, by the way) and feeding your body food that is alive with nutrients and flavor. Depending on where you live it might be a challenge but putting a little effort to seek local produce and farms, which may be right under your nose, will yield wonderful unexpected results. If you already have a single basil plant from the supermarket, windowsill garden, or outside garden of any size you already know the pleasure that I speak of. There is a sense of comfort and camaraderie just knowing who is growing your food and you’re able to support your community which then assists in supply and demand – if there is a demand for fresh, presicide free produce and free range, pastured cows and poultry then greater access and availability surely follows. We’ve seen that happen here…our Farmers Market usually closes at the end of May for the hot summer and then reopens in September when “season” starts again. Ah, but not this year, this past summer we had access to amazing quality fresh fruits, vegetables and other goodies throughout and boy you had to get there early before the vendors were sold out.
Be adventurous – go for a drive or bicycle ride – taste something new – take a walk around with the family or some friends and talk with the farmers – they love to share!
To find a farmers market near you, click here for the Local Harvest website, a great resource for starting your search in your area although be open to what may be right around your corner.
So what will you do with your other 364 food days until October 24, 2012?